Bronze Lion in Cannes & Grand Prix winner at Dubai Lynx When “Desert Flower”, the film about the life of the super-model Somalia born Waris Dirie wa...
For ages, the women who took the lead, making the first step towards a man they’ve liked, were under scrutiny. They risked rejection, social judgment, harsh la...
In Lebanon, child marriage is legal and many girls are married at a very young age. The RDFL Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering have been working on The "Not...
(#MineElFelten) – Judge the rapist not the victim In the Lebanese patriarchal society, people tend to blame the woman who was victim of sexual abuse as if s...
2019 was the year when the FGM was more than one agency’s topic of concern. Several hospitals, NGOs and creative entities approached in their own key the ...
After the launch of the Cannes Glass awarded campaign “Give Mom back her name”, created in 2015 under the Impact BBDO signature, the idea of challenging langu...