When the Taliban invaded Northern Pakistan, they banned girls from attending school, often resorting to violence to enforce edicts. Opposition was punished by...
heirlooms with a contemporary touch Zeynep studied in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, worked as a freelance fashion designer in London, had her master’s d...
A research conducted on sleep behavior in the UAE revealed that about nine in ten people are not getting the ideal eight hours of sleep a night. In order to h...
This isn’t a traditional Radio spot, but a sponsorship takeover, where Chevy dictated radio stations’ playlists to calm drivers on the road in Ramadan. To mak...
the soul of an artist with a brilliant business brain Nora grew up in a family of artists. Her art background, doubled by her business education, al...
Arabic, like a few other languages, contains a variety of words stemming from paternal-centered roots. The word “parenthood” (Al Obuwah) is one such word. Alt...