With experience in the arts, education, design and sports and a brief encounter with advertising, Cairo born Emma Benany has been inseparable from rowing for t...
Feminine hygiene company Stayfree and ad agency DDB Mudra Group have partnered up to help women from an undeveloped and uncivilized upbringing that have been s...
If there is a thing that we all know by know is that tobacco is definitely not healthy, as all the anti-smoking campaigns keep telling us. But there is one thi...
Grand Prix for Good at Spike Asia & Bronze at Dubai Lynx 2019 Culture comes with all kinds of traditions, practices, and customs. Some bring beauty, so...
Cannes Lions x4, D&AD Pencils x3, Grands Prix x4 Dubai Lynx 2019 Unfortunately, more than 3000 children go missing yearly in Pakistan. A lot of these ca...
One of the great tragedies of living under fear of terrorism is its effect on how we treat one another. Fear for ourselves makes us forget that our abstract v...